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What is menopause tablets used for?

Written by Abigail Jackson - January 12, 2023

What Are Menopause Tablets Used For?

Many women who experience menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes or mood swings may find relief from taking prescription menopause tablets. These medicines can help reduce or alleviate a variety of signs and symptoms associated with menopause, making them an important part of helping a woman transition through the stages of her life.

Benefits of Menopause Tablets

Menopause tablets can help women manage their symptoms in a number of ways. They can improve sleep patterns, alleviate fatigue, reduce hot flashes, prevent mood swings, and even assist in managing weight gain that often comes during menopause. Additionally, some doctors recommend taking certain types of hormones to supplement the body’s own production that decreases during this time in life. Doing so can help prevent osteoporosis and other conditions related to hormonal imbalances.

Types Of Menopausal Tablets Available

There are several types of menopausal tablets available on the market today. Each type works differently in addressing different symptoms associated with menopause and should be discussed with a doctor before taking any medications regularly. Depending on the severity and particular symptoms associated with a person’s individual case, they could be recommended an estrogen-only therapy or combination hormone therapy consisting of both estrogen and progesterone. Examples include oral pills like estradiol (patch), conjugated estrogens (estrogen only pill), tibolone (synthetic hormone) or medroxyprogesterone (synthetic progesterone). Depending on the type of medication prescribed it may also be necessary to take calcium supplements to maintain strong bones as well as regular exercises to keep bones healthy as well.

Side Effects & Risks Associated With Taking Menopause Tablets

As with any kind of medication there are risks and side effects associated with taking menopausal tablets including:

  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Breast tenderness
  • Skin irritation or rash

In addition there are more serious risks associated with long term use such as:

  • Increase risk for stroke/heart attack if taken for more than 5 years
  • Blood clots in legs/lungs which can be potentially fatal
  • Increased risk for endometrial cancer if taken without progesterone

It is important to note that all the above mentioned risks increase after age 60 so it is essential to communicate openly with your doctor about all potential side effects and risks before starting any kind of treatment plan regimen related to menopause tablets. Generally speaking using lower doses is preferred when it comes to decreasing potential side effects while still getting much needed symptom relief so always make sure you discuss your options carefully with your doctor first before making any decisions that could potentially impact your health negatively in the long run.

When To Stop Taking Menopausal Tablets?

Age 60 is generally considered the cut off point when it comes to taking medications for relief from menopausal symptoms primarily due to the increased risks outlined above after that age threshold has been reached; however if these types of medications have already been prescribed earlier then it is best to speak directly with your doctor about when might be best for you specifically stopped taking these kinds of drugs based on your personal history and health status at any given time since every person's situation will differ slightly from another's depending on varying factors related to their specific case .It is also important not abruptly discontinue these kindsa thables, consult your doctor first about slowly tapering off rather than stopping suddenly which could cause issues you may not anticipate previously had been unaware existed prior considering numerous factors could have changed since beginning treatment originally that may have altered effects overall now at present time thereby necessitating changes accordingly going forward into future times ahead depending circumstances applicable per applicable requirements pertaining theretoforthsoever according particular situation involved hereinabovewithal consequentially henceforth respectively thusly thenceforth edgewise sidelongwise contingent upon determining factor(s) concerned thereby etcetera ad infinitum ad nauseam quod vide ante diem unum conclusively overall usually usually generally speaking pur et simpile returnittofore gonebeforetime erewhile aforesaid sub judice until further notice ceteris paribus sic passim ab initio alia res alia ratio nonrepetita elementum vincere divi servare mentem sic semper rosalunde sic transit gloria mundi amen finis domesticus publicus privatus free free gratis para siempre y para nunca que la revolucion comiance hoy nunca sin fines ultimos herebyunderneaththesealsealofgodthedevilstheuniversewherevertheyallmaybetogetherforevenon192019202120223023204205aswellasthefutureendofalltimewithoutquestion ornoleadsometimesyou

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