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What does bioidentical estrogen do?

Written by Abigail Jackson - January 14, 2023

What is Bioidentical Estrogen?

Bioidentical estrogen refers to the hormone replacement therapy (HRT) used to supplement a woman's naturally-occurring hormones in order to improve her quality of life. Estrogen is produced by the ovaries, and when a woman goes through menopause, declining levels of estrogen can cause uncomfortable symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and more.

Hormone replacement therapies are designed to restore balance to the body and relieve these symptoms. But not all HRTs are created equal.

What Is The Difference Between Bioidentical Estrogen And Synthetic Estrogen?

Synthetic estrogen is often referred to as "conventional" hormone replacement therapy, and it tends to contain molecules that are made artificially in a lab. By comparison, bioidentical estrogen contains molecules that are identical in structure and function to those found naturally in the body; they’re derived from natural sources like yams or soy plants.

Because bioidentical estrogen has an identical structure of endogenous (natural) estrogens, it can be better accepted by the body than synthetic options. This means that bioidentical hormones may be more effective at relieving symptoms associated with menopause while also being associated with fewer potential side effects than synthetic choices.

What Are The Benefits Of Bioidentical Estrogen?

Bioidentical estrogens can provide women with several benefits, including:

  • Improved overall health
  • Relieved menopausal symptoms
  • Reduced risk of developing osteoporosis
  • Improved skin health and reduced wrinkles
  • Regulated menstrual cycle for those experiencing missed or irregular periods

Additionally, bioidentical estrogens can help protect against certain cancers such as ovarian cancer and breast cancer. As research continues to look into this area, further evidence could lead to other potential benefits of using bioidentical hormones.

Is Bio identical Estrogen Right For Me?

When it comes to deciding if hormone replacement therapy is right for you, everyone’s individual circumstances need careful consideration along with consulting your physician or healthcare provider. It’s essential you get professional advice based on an assessment of your current health condition so that any treatment plan tailored for your needs will give you the best outcome possible—and because each person's situation is unique there isn't one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to managing your hormones during menopause or perimenopause! That's why Hormone Treatment Center offers personalized care plans designed specifically for each individual patient—so contact us today for more information!

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