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What do you lose during menopause?

Written by Abigail Jackson - January 21, 2023

What do you Lose During Menopause?

Menopause is a natural process that every woman goes through. Though it is a normal part of life and is nothing to be ashamed of, many women feel embarrassed or like something is wrong when going through menopause. While it's true that menopause comes with many changes, there are also ways to cope and manage the effects.

It's important to understand what exactly happens during menopause and why it can affect you. One of the biggest things that happen during menopause is hormone change. As your body starts to transition out of the reproductive stage, estrogen levels decrease drastically while other hormones fluctuate as well. This hormone imbalance can cause physical and emotional changes in your body which can lead to symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, changes in sex drive, insomnia, and other issues.

The physical toll on the body due to menopause should not be underestimated either. During this time period, women may experience other conditions such as:

  • Osteopenia/Osteoporosis: A condition where bones become thinner or weaker leading to fractures more easily than usual.
  • Lower Libido: Decrease in sex drive due to hormonal changes associated with menopause being linked with decreased activity in certain parts of the brain related to sexual pleasure.
  • Vaginal Atrophy: Weakening of the vaginal muscles which can lead to pain or bleeding during intercourse or other physical activities such as walking or sitting for long periods of time which might make them uncomfortable.

These conditions not only can cause physical discomfort but can also impact mental health since feeling sore all over isn’t fun! Luckily there are treatments available that allow people who suffer from these symptoms have some relief from their symptoms so they can live a normal life again. Hormone Treatment Center offers hormone replacement therapy in order to reduce symptoms associated with menopause such as hot flashes and night sweats as well as providing bone loss prevention treatments for osteopenia/osteoporosis sufferers. Through careful monitoring from their team of experts, they provide customized treatments designed specifically for each patient so they can get back to living their best lives faster than ever before!

For those who are experiencing heavy symptomology due to menopausal transitions - there is absolutely no need for worries because modern medicine has come up with treatment options! With holistic approaches such as dietary adjustments and lifestyle modifications paired with hormone therapy protocols offered by expert teams like Hormone Treatment Center - we've got you covered! Taking small steps toward positive changes could make a big difference in managing your transition into post-menopausal years - it's never too late (or too early!)to start taking care of yourself!

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