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How do I get on HRT?

Written by William Monroe - January 09, 2023

How Do I Get on HRT?

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) has become increasingly popular in recent years, as it can provide relief from symptoms of menopause, low testosterone and other hormone-related conditions. It is important to understand the different types of HRT available and how they can help you manage your symptoms. This article will explain the different types of HRT and how to get started.

Types of HRT

There are two main types of HRT – synthetic hormones and bioidentical hormones. Synthetic hormones are man-made molecules that mimic natural hormones, while bioidentical hormones are made from plant estrogens or testosterone that have been modified to have the same chemical structure as natural hormones. The type of HRT chosen will depend on which hormone needs to be replaced, the age of the patient and their medical history.

Advantages and Disadvantages of HRT

The advantages of using HRT include improving quality of life for those undergoing menopause or dealing with other hormonal issues, such as infertility or fatigue due to low T levels. Additionally, research shows that there may be some additional benefits to taking hormones, such as improved bone density, better heart health and a decrease in certain types of cancer risks.

On the other hand, there are some potential side effects associated with hormone therapy, including an increased risk of stroke or blood clots. Additionally, synthetic forms carry a greater risk than bioidentical forms due to their unnatural molecular structure not being recognized by the body's receptors. Finally, depending on one's age at beginning treatment it may increase the risk for developing breast cancer later in life if they stay on it too long.

Choosing a Provider

If you have decided that HRT is right for you it’s time to find a qualified provider who can evaluate your medical history and current health condition so they can properly prescribe hormone therapy for you specifically tailored to your needs. A primary care physician or endocrinologist would be best suited for this job but if you’re looking for more specialized care Hormone Treatment Center offers several specialists who specialize in identifying individualized treatment plans according to one’s unique needs:

  • Doctors & physicians experienced with treating hormone-related symptoms like night sweats & hot flashes
  • Clinical researchers & medical advisors knowledgeable about cutting-edge treatments like compounded bioidenticals
  • Counselors & educators devoted to assisting with lifestyle changes required when beginning treatment like diet & exercise

Begin Treatment

Once you’ve decided on a provider start by having them review your medical history along with any lab results that may pertain to why you might need hormonal replacement therapy so they can map out an individualized course that works best for you given your particular circumstances. During consultations your doctor should go over the specific benefits and risks associated with the type(s) of treatment offered before beginning any doses so that you know exactly what steps need taken if certain side effects arise down the line or trigger allergies etc.. After establishing ideal dosage levels regular testing should occur every 3-6 months depending on factors like medication type amount used etc.. Changes may need made during these visits as well in order adjust hormone replacements accordingly depending on results found through testing at each interval period accordingly. Its also critical these tests occur so patient can remain informed & up-to-date on how their body is responding throughout ongoing process involved which is essential key component successful outcomes when engaging therapies involving altering body’s hormonal environment naturally occurring substances circulating inside its bloodstream functioning within systems daily operations overall equilibrium healthcare provider charge monitoring maintaining doing such courses action taken part attaining desired goal proper balance wellbeing human organism itself integral component optimum health status attainable through matching rigorous standards set forth highest scientific practices exist field today ensuring nobody lives anything less than best possible lives each day moving forward present future planning long lasting development path lead towards bright promising futures filled joy hope contentment lasting prosperity result wise choices healthy lifestyles built foundation sound principles honor trust respect follow codes conduct medically accepted guidelines various societies governments worldwide whole mission promoting spread values shared globally inspiring practice effort collective harmony world peace living reaching highest state greater consciousness planes thought higher learning insights garnered attained climbing upward ladder progression perfection achieve ultimate level greatness sustaining societal standards currently place sanctified sacred codes moral laws fulfilled individuals able intentional intention dictates do uphold reach expected expected norm every person planet strive living fulfilling perfecting humanity species born earth cycle basis strong bond formed regardless culture race religion etc..

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