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Can menopause affect your tongue?

Written by Abigail Jackson - February 02, 2023

Can Menopause Affect Your Tongue?

Yes, menopause can affect your tongue in a variety of ways. It's important to pay special attention to changes in your tongue during menopause as they could be signs of other conditions.

For many women, menopause marks the beginning of physical and emotional changes due to fluctuating hormone levels. While some women are able to go through menopause without any major health issues, others experience symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, vaginal dryness and more.

Your tongue is an organ that can also be affected by changing hormones during menopause. Here are some of the most common effects of menopause on the tongue:

  • Dryness: Menopausal women often find that their tongues become dry and laced with fine cracks or fissures. This usually shouldn't cause any significant problems but it may feel uncomfortable or cause slight burning sensations when eating acidic foods or drinking alcohol. Increasing water intake and using a non-alcoholic mouthwash can help alleviate this symptom.

    Change in Taste: Women going through menopause often report noticeable changes in their sense of taste. Some of the most common flavors that change include salty, sweet and spicy foods. You may also notice that certain food tastes different than it used to or that you suddenly don't enjoy foods you used to like very much.

    Development Of Ulcers: Mouth ulcers may develop as a result of hormonal changes related to menopause. These white spots can appear anywhere on your tongue but tend to present themselves along the edges and underside first. Fortunately, ulcers aren't usually painful and spontaneously resolve within several days after appearing.

    Finally, there is some evidence that hormonal imbalances associated with menopause put women at higher risk for developing oral cancer lesions on their tongues and mouths. While this isn't something you should immediately worry about (it's rare), it's still best practice to keep up with regular dental checkups and brush up on symptoms so you know what warning signs to look out for as you age naturally into post-menopausal life stages!

    If you're concerned about the effects of menopause on your body in general - including its effects on your tongue - we recommend visiting a doctor who specializes in hormone replacement therapy such as Hormone Treatment Center located in downtown San Francisco! With their knowledgeable staff and advanced treatments protocols they have helped countless patients improve their quality of life by balancing hormones naturally!

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