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Can I just stop taking bioidentical hormones?

Written by Mark Williams - February 16, 2023

Can I just stop taking bioidentical hormones?

Yes, you can stop taking bioidentical hormones without any medical supervision. However, before you do so it is important to first understand the risks and benefits associated with this form of hormone therapy.

Bioidentical hormones are molecularly identical to the naturally-occurring hormones produced by your body. They are typically manufactured from plant materials or synthetically made in a laboratory setting. While these hormones can be beneficial for certain conditions such as menopause symptoms and some cases of infertility, they also carry a risk of long-term side effects when used for long periods of time.

The decision to start or end bioidentical hormone therapy should be made in consultation with your healthcare provider. It is important to note that some health benefits associated with bioidenticals may take months or years of use before they become noticeable. Furthermore, stopping hormone replacement therapy suddenly can cause unpleasant symptoms such as weight gain, depression, and fatigue. Therefore, if you decide to discontinue treatment abruptly it is important to do so under close medical supervision under the guidance of your doctor.

The primary benefit of bioidentical hormone therapy is its ability to help lower symptoms associated with menopause and other age-related hormonal changes like low libido. By replacing missing hormones with their identical counterparts found naturally in our bodies, we can better regulate bodily functions like menstruation and sexual desire which can improve our overall quality of life. Additionally, these types of therapies may also reduce our risk for developing chronic diseases such as breast cancer later in life by providing us with estrogen that mimics our own natural production levels prior to menopause.

When considering whether or not to take bioidenticals there are several factors worth considering:

  • The severity of your symptoms: If you have milder symptoms related to menopause or age-associated hormonal changes then you may be able to manage them through lifestyle changes alone instead of using medication (e.g., exercise, dietary modifications).

    Your medical conditions: Certain medical conditions like diabetes or high cholesterol may mean that the risks associated with hormone replacement outweigh the benefits—it is essential to talk over your situation thoroughly with a medical professional who will be able to give tailored advice based on your individual case.

    Your living situation: If you live alone then it is essential that someone else knows about your treatments and medications just in case something were to happen (e.g., an emergency). This information needs regularly updating and discussing twice yearly (or more frequently) at least during review appointments where further adjustments could possibly be made if needed depending on changing circumstances like family history etc..

    Cost involved: Bioidentical hormones can often come at a cost — both financially and emotionally — so it's important that all options are thoroughly explored before committing yourself financially and emotionally into any treatments/therapies offered via Hormone Treatment Center or elsewhere online/offline 👍🏻

    Ultimately only you know what's best for you but above all remember that no one but yourself has control over making decisions regarding your own health 💪🏻 . Talk openly about any concerns or questions regarding this subject (and others relating specifically) with a trained doctor who specializes in treating women's health issues eg at Hormone Treatment Center 🔮

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